All my roomies plus Mar's cousin went home to the Bay. Full car for a spontaneous trip. I have work in the morning so we had to leave tonight (Sunday). I feel like a party pooper. It was really nice to see Jake and James. Jake said he might visit next weekend. :)
I got to hang out with Shadow so that was nice. :)
Jake, James and I stopped at Quickly after delicious Indian food at our favorite place. This was especially nice because there are no boba teas in SB.
*Note to self, coconut milky tea is delicious - try with vodka.
We stopped in San Luis for gas. As I was telling them how to get to a Chevron, they made a joke I was high since I was half asleep just before said directions. As we were leaving the station, a guy came over to us and asked if we had any weed. I said sorry, we didn't have any and good luck on the rest of their trip sober. When I got into the car to explain what he asked, I told everyone I should have just said "Aw, man, I'm sorry, dude. I just finished it [the weed]." I really should have said that. Funny shit.
Also, my hair is super pastel lavender with pastel blues, silvers and even some pinkies. I am loving it (I have elf hair!) even though my roots are long. But that's a good thing. :)
I should be sleeping, but the Rockstar is still pumping though my veins. Oops. Almost to SB anyway.
I miss Jake, but I am glad to be heading back since I miss Stella. :3