That being said, I think the bubblegum sented hair dye as seeped its way into my brain. My proof is that I decided to go jogging today. Yes, jogging. It's been 4 years, at least, since I've done any sort of work out.
I was pretty pathectic, not going to lie. Could hardly make it a minute of straigth jogging. But I forced myself at the end to run for at least 3 minutes with out break. I walked for most of the time, but I still think I almost broke a lung.
This is hard to believe, but I swear it happened! Here is a picture to prove it. See these beautiful hills? I thought, "I should take a picture as proof for my blog."
When in reality, I was making excuses to myself to take a break.
Look how beautiful the outside world looks.
I was so tired when I got back, I passed out in the bed of my truck staring at the leaves while I felt my whole body move with the fast beating of my heart.
There was minimal oxygen in my brain to say the least.
I would have pushed myself harder but am going on a 2-4 mile hike tomorrow morning with my mom. I'm actually really excited for it, but know that I will be quite tired.
I told Jake about it and he said: "Amanda, you're not going to make it."
I chuckled, us both knowing that he wouldn't last, either.
So this is my 'reward' from the Godly creatures that live in space/the sky for working out today:
I go to get my special spinich speghattie noodles that my mom got me ages ago to make for dinner. I have asked Jake a million times if he wanted me to make him dinner (leaving out the spinich part) and he said no thanks. Well, if that boy would have said yes at least once, I would have found my MIA pay checks wayy sooner! I WAS SO EXCITED! I have been missing both of them for sooo long! And one expires in a couple days so I need to deposit it ASAP. But that's about 900+ bucks there. B-]
That means I can buy myself a dress for Fanime. >:DDD
Saving it for moving out? Yes, well I will have some left over for sure to do that.
But I was so excited to find those. Jake of course had a face and told me, "Amanda, you really need to take better care of important things like that."
I know I was stupid and forgetfull, but I can predict the future (no one believes me ;]) and knew I would find them again.
So after shoving those in my purse and sending Jake home, I made a delicious dinner for myself. The speghettie is fantastic! And my dad made (safeway select) pork buns so I treated myself to carbs even though I said I wouldn't. I don't get pork buns much. :)
That is all for today.
Wish me luck on the hike tomorrow. :) It's a Sierra's Single's hike, but I'm going on it for my mom and most of the people are her age anyway. She wanted to go on the Gay/Lesbian hikes because they get the best areas, but Mel said no thanks. I told my mom I would go with her and she could say: "Oh, I'm not gay, but my daughter is and I'm here to support her!" My mom gave me a funny look, but I think it's a good idea. >:D