Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Turning in a paper for communications today. Just overheard another student that was asking about an intro. Because it's a paper about ourselves, it doesn't have to follow conventional MLA format. I had this stupid pathetic three sentences for an intro but decided to delete it because it look outta place. Oh well.
That paper took longer than expected anyway. I stayed up until about 1:45 doing it when I thought it would take 45 minutes. Bleh. But 6 hours of sleep is good for me.
I also think I'm suppose to have a receipt for the book we are suppose to read.

But that's cool. I just bought it off amazon for $5. B-) It was about $1.50 and then shipping was the bitch. Oh well! I hope it's not in complete garbage condition. Not that I really care, since I would destroy it, too. Mwuahaha. I've been meaning to buy that book since the first day of school so I could get a head start. I always need the extra time but oh well. I might actually enjoy it so I might actually read it!

The girl in front of me is flicking her hair back repeatedly and it's landing on my screen.
I like her less, now.

It is so nice having a comp in class. :) Time for notes!

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