Saturday, March 24, 2012

Today Was Simple

Just how I like it.
Unfortunutly, I didn't get around to thrifting as I hoped and must wait until Monday. But that is fine since Down Town was a fucking ZOO. I haven't had a social life in forever so I forgot how busy it gets there on the weekends.
Spens had a little LAN last night and it was fun. I only brought my PS3 and monitor but ended up forgetting the headset so I didn't even set it up. That wasn't a problem. I just enjoy hanging out with them. :)

Doing some laundry now and might get the energy to dye my roots - they need it BAD.

I was delighted to find that it doesn't start getting dark until 7:30 now! No more of this "Uh oh, it's 5 and the sun's already down," bullhonkey. My favorite part about summer are the hot summer nights that don't start until about 9 which means shops tend to be open longer! YES.

In other news, I put a collar on Stella with a bell and she keeps thinking she's hearing something playing with her and coming after her. So cute. :))))))

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