Friday, August 24, 2012

300 Ab Challenge - Day 2

I'm damn sore from yesterday so I went easy on myself today. After I did the first couple sets I was stretched out enough that the pain was doable to finish. But I still babied myself. My legs are really sore too, which surprised me at first. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. But I read another person's experience was after the 4th day, the soreness didn't effect them nearly as bad. I hope that's the same with me. I think I made the pain stronger by jogging/running yesterday. Might try again tomorrow, but will probably end up just walking.

Well I'm tired.
Night XoxoxoX

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lolita in Goleta #1

So first things first, Goleta is pronounced go-leet-uh. Now the total sounds way cooler.

Today was the first day I wore lolita here in SB/Goleta (Goleta is about 10 miles north of SB). I only went half lolie (see image below) today. The main reasons for that are 1.) It's warm out and 2.) I didn't want to freak out the house mates.

I did a lot today; went to SBCC (unsuccessful), Albersons, Von's, Costco, Home Depot, Ross (got new running tennies) and a smoke shop (for JD). The cashier at Albersons said he liked my outfit and would have given me a piece of candy if he had any but have us the store discount instead since neither of us have Albersons cards.

Side note: Stella is so fucking hyper and rambunctious right now it's driving me bonkers.

I also started the 30 Day/300 challenge to start shaping my abs. I feel a bit site and jogging for 10 minutes didn't help. But I need to get some athleticism back. I didn't appreciate how fit I was when I played basketball because I thought that was just normal for me since I played for 8 years solid. But now that I can't even run a fucking block, I feel so pathetic. Jake started rising his bike, too. It's nice we are both taking care of ourselves. I decided to make walking/jogging/running my drinking. If I feel like I really 'want' to drink, I will go on a walk/jog/run instead. Healthier for my body and relationship. :)

Played more (sober) beer pong. Won both games I played (I think). I'm starting to understand why people enjoy it do much. I have an advantage because I stay sober the whole time, but I suck so it balances out. After that we played Blur and then L4D2. I didn't really feel like it though since A was sufficiently drunk and easy mode was difficult (manages to finish the ending on my own, though). We watched Dazed and Confused. It was a good 70's movie. Lots of actors that later become famous.

My Jeffrey Campbell shoes should arrive in the next two days. I'm so excited! I've wanted them for a while and feel it was a good purchase. :)

That's all for today. I miss my YouTube channel. :( Need to vlog soon.

Also miss Jake like crazy. A played Less than Jake in the car and it stung (he didn't know).

Stella is all tuckered out now and so am I.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Adventure: Night #3

I might eventually edit this post. I'm on my phone because we don't have Internet yet.

This is my third official night of The Adventure. Stella and I arrived here last Sunday night around 9pm. Stella barked at me a little bit and didn't eat/drink/use the litter box on the way down, but she slept and smiled so i knew she was ok. :) Her cage took up 2/3 of the cab in the truck!
That night, I stayed up for a little bit and hung out with the guys, but passed out pretty early. I was physically and emotionally exhausted.

I had to say my (temporary) good bye to Jake and it was so hard. My face was on over-drive so I was a slobbery mess. Not surprisingly, Jake kept his composure and still has. He is always the super strong one. I know he misses me, though. He calls me every day and we even talked for 35 minutes. :) I thought I would have to pry the phone calls out if him but he's been calling me and it's nice.

I met L for the first time. We (I, really) lucked out in picking him kinda blindly. He's very nice and even made us chow mien!
The guys threw a little party last night. Still learning the lingo since I am a huge stranger to all of this, but it might have been considered a 'kickback'. There were a decent amount of people, all the girls got really drunk. I was scared they were going to puke in our bathrooms. After I used our bathroom upstairs, I left the light and vent going so it appeared occupied. I DON'T want to clean up some random's vomit (yet).

I will admit I felt crazy outta place, but after a little bit of just watching them, I felt better. I was still the weird girl with tea instead of alcohol, but I'm sorta proud of that. Don't get me wrong, I've tried it and I'm not sitting there judging them all or anything. I just don't drink but enjoy crowds and loud music.
I also already know I will be a weird girl in IV. I haven't yet (too hot and lazy during the day) worn lolita or the necomimi (need batteries) but as soon as I do I know I'm starting a reputation for myself. I don't mind the idea of that, though.

They should be good for now. Kinda a lame night, but I did just play L4D2 with Al on the Xbox. It was something familiar so I felt less sad about missing Jake. I went on a walk and watched the ocean for a few earlier tonight. Thought it might help me since I was in a bit of a funk, but not really.

Good Night~

Ps: I also miss my soulmate. I didn't get to see her before I left. :(