Friday, April 20, 2012

OOTD: Day and Evening :)

My previous post indicated how this outfit helped me decided for sure to be a fashion major.
I was skepticle this morning before I left about the skirt. No idea why. I love the contrast of the tulle and the denim. :)

Finally got to wear these!! I've had them for almost a year and just haven't gone out in the right outfit. Or I chickend out. ;c But not today! It was amazing. :DDDD

I got Stella another fashion collar, too. :) It matches my Colorful Hearts dress.
And for tonight, we are having a mini birthday LAN for Zach and shorts seemed like a better decison.
And I REALLY want to wear my Halifax shirt =3=;;;.
I feel super awesome, though. The shirt fits perfectly with the outfit.
I threw on the new shoes as well and some more bracelets.
Best 4/20 evarh. c:

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