Sunday, April 15, 2012

6 am Start

Was woken up at 6 by Target because the opener called out. I asked Stella if I should say I can come in early and she said yes.
So now I'm exhausted.
Working on a day that there is a call out is so difficult. It's a battle. The LOD's hardly give two shits, let alone one, so you're left trying to float on your own. Thankfully, today was better than some.
I got off at 3:30 and feel pretty tired. Going to try and take a nap and then play some WoW with Jakeums. :)

Jake's dad had gotten Panda earlier and I've been craving it so I lucked out with that one. Jake is mowing the lawn but his dad is out there too so it would be weird for me to just sit out there and watch him. I love watching him work. ;) Especially since it's warm out and he will probably end up taking off his shirt.
<3 <3 <3 <3 :-)))))))))))))

Stella misses my soulmate, too. <3

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