Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What Have I Done with My Past 2.5 Days?

  • written an four essay/papers
    1. research which I completed 80% in one night,
    2. BS PE beach volleyball one
    3. Cultural Paper based off the book A Long Way Gone
    4. History paper that is part 2 and a take-home segment of our second midterm
  • voted
  • rolled my ankle which is normally a NBD situation but not this time,
  • eaten all my good food,
  • managed to make it to Japanese even though 2/4 of the papers tried to stop me,
  • gone to work,
  • caught up on all homework but Japanese
  • and have managed to sleep every night for at least eight hours. :)

Rock Star status? Nahh, but I'll pretend.~

Now only if this weekend I didn't have so much to do sill...and it's only Tuesday. D<

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