Just had a minor curve-ball thrown at me. And I'm listening to the Pandora station labeled "Sleepy Time" because it's calmer music I can listen to while I work. And every fucking song is a love song.
And then "Fall For You" by Secondhand Serenade just came on and I literally just Face-Palmed.
I want to go home so bad. I am so, so, so, homesick.
One of my roommates (*cough* Pat *cough*) took my netbook while I was in the bathroom and posted on my Facebook with "I hate cats that piss on my roommates stuff."
I deleted it in mild anger and no amusement, and posted "My roommates remind me why I'm homesick."
Mel then posted "I miss you, Amanda." And I nearly burst into tears.
When I'm done with this stupid paper, I'm going to take a nice shower and calm down. I'm so emotionally all over the place. Ever since I went home for Jake's birthday, I have been so fucking homesick all over the place. It doesn't help that all the weekends have been a bust with no relief from the school world, but part of me feels like that was inevitable. I don't think I fit in here at all, not even a little. I want to go home to my boring days of Jake's garage and depressive nothingness.
I guess I'm fucked no matter where I am.
My "epic adventure" has turned into an "epic failure."
(should have seen that coming)
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